In Thai, the most common way to say "hello" is "sawadee" (สวัสดี). This can be used in most situations, whether you're greeting a friend, family member, or acquaintance. There are also other ways to say hello in Thai, depending on the time of day and the level of formality. For example, if you're greeting someone in the morning, you can say "Sabai dee mai" (สบายดีไหม?), which means "good morning" or "are you well?". If you're greeting someone in the evening, you can say "sawadee don yen" (สวัสดีตอนเย็น), which means "good evening".
🎧 Listen to this audio: + Hello, sawadee, สวัสดี
+ Good morning, a-run sawad, อรุณสวัสดิ์
+ Good afternoon,sawa-dee don bai, สวัสดีตอนบ่าย + Good evening, sawa-dee don yen, สวัสดีตอนเย็น
+ Are you well?, kun sabai-dee mai, สบายดีไหม?