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Do when you visit an ATM

Are you planning a trip to Thailand? If so, you may want to consider getting small denominations of cash from ATMs, banks or Exchange kiosks. In Thailand, it is common for vendors and shops to not have enough change on hand for larger bills, making it difficult to make small purchases or pay for services with larger denominations. By only withdrawing small notes, you can avoid any potential frustration or inconvenience when trying to make purchases or pay for services.

As an example, if you withdraw 2,000 baht (about USD$60), that will likely be 2 x 1000 baht notes. Alot for any small street vendor or shop to change. So try to withdraw 1,900 baht. That would give you 1 x 1000 note plus smaller notes too.

So next time you visit Thailand, be sure to keep enough small notes to make your transactions go smoothly.

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